AMM is a professional billing service dedicated to meeting all of the insurance and patient billing needs of our clients.
Our services are specifically designed to meet the needs of any medical speciality, with a focus on solo providers and small group practices.
We’re returning health care to a simple and affordable transaction between the provider and patient.
Celebrating 20 Years in Business!

If your practice is experiencing cash flow or A/R issues or if you are starting a new practice, contact Allsource Medical Management for a risk-free, no-obligation consultation. We are ready to assist in any way we can!
Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act
Introduced into public law in 1996 HIPAA is intended to protect healthcare information maintained by Health Care Practitioners regarding their patients. Protected Health Information (PHI) refers to any and all information collected for treating, diagnosis, and claim reimbursement that is transmitted or stored by electronic means, or otherwise (Act CFR 164.501)… Read More.
Our Benefits